Mike Splain Portrait

Training and Compliance.

The following is a list of our areas of expertise in training and compliance:

I. Department Responsibilities

Policy and procedures
Facility meetings attended
Theft and loss
Grievance procedures & follow up
Family Council & follow up
Resident Council & follow up
Room change
Discharge planning and documentation
Homelike environment

II. Documentation

Advanced directive
Care plans
Initial assessments
Quarterly’s, progress notes, inventory list, interventions

III. Use and Coordination with community resources

Regional centers (D.D.)
Mental Health (psychologist/psychiatrist, etc.)

IV. Behavioral Interventions

Adjustment, coping, roles, body image
Mood and behavioral issues
Loss, death, spirituality
Psych meds

V. Psychotrophic Committee (including adjustment to physical restraints)

VI. Writing POC and compliance issues

VII. Psychological evaluations as needed
contact... |... Except where noted ©2009 D. Michael Splain, LCSW